Welcome to the official site of Fluid XP+ products, the only documented scientifically proven water substitute for water cooled computers. Often imitated but never duplicated, we pride ourselves in having the Highest Standards for all our coolants and products. We have been making coolants for industry since 2003 and make coolants for every budget and need. Simply put, when it comes to liquid cooling no one in the world makes a product that performs better and is tested by ASTM, for non-conductivity and safety for the computer, people and the environment. Feel free to browse our site, but don’t forget to check out our Online Store. There you will find a liquid cooling coolant to fit your budget and need.
Why choose our products?
Any product’s value is tested by its quality and performance over time and here is a 5 year testimonial of one of our great products from an experienced liquid cooling PC Enthusiast.
FluidXP Ultra LT – Proven Ability After 5 Years Of Service with ‘SteamPunk Frankenstein’
Hello my name is Dana Mattocks and I created the 8 foot Computer proudly named “SteamPunk Frankenstein”, which may be found on Google images and various blogs around the Internet. I began building my Water Cooling Computer project in the early year of 2007. As I put together the Artwork for the Computer Mod, my twin brother Kevin Mattocks conducted the technical research for its hardware water cooling performance and longevity. Shown listed, there are many questions to consider when approaching this type of cooling system for a long term and permanent solution.
What is the science of oxidation using different metals together in this environment?
What kind of maintenance and longevity will this bring?
Will I have troubles with murky water, Algae and Bio Gunk growing in the tubes?
Will my expensive tubing become cloudy, start yellowing or become hard?
Will I constantly be filling this system with more fluid as it evaporates?
Will I have to conduct periodic fluid changes over the years to serve as maintenance?
Since this computer is 8 feet tall, how do I pump fluids up and down that high?
What size hose do I use, what viscosity of fluid do I choose?
Most importantly, will the fluid that I use cause problems shorting out electronics if it ever leaked or will it kill the dog like Antifreeze if ingested?
To answer these questions that were posed before us, we were pleasantly amazed with the outcome of our decisions as shown listed below.
The greatest secret to our Water Cooling success was truly the use of FluidXP Ultra LT. Even though we used high quality parts to assemble this system, there is no doubt in our minds that this fluid was the perfect choice. It has been greater than 5 years and I have used this computer every day for general used and then quite extensively for system Overclocking and Video Gaming. FluidXP Ultra LT flows perfectly through my 16 feet of Tygon R-3603 tubing (1/2” and 3/8” combined). After 5 years I am proud to say that I am currently upgrading my computer Motherboard, CPU, GPU, PSU and Memory but I have not had to replace one component of the water cooling investment except of course a couple new water blocks.
Because of FluidXP Ultra LT, all of my tubing is crystal clear, pliable and without Algae. With 16 feet of tubing there will of course be some level of fluid evaporation but I have only had to add from ½ to ¾ of a bottle in those five years. Because I am now upgrading my hardware, I am excited to announce changing my FluidXP ‘Alien Green’ color to the latest and newest color ‘Vampire Blood Red’. In the end I believe that scientifically this computer can honestly prove the value and worth of using FluidXP Ultra LT in a system designed to be free of maintenance. After reading of the many troubles and issues that consume other Computer Modders and Enthusiasts I greatly appreciate the technology that this cooling fluid has brought to the market. Look, I’m just like everyone else out there trying to find quality products and I firmly believe that this will be the last fluid product you will ever need for your ‘Water Cooling Mods’.
Dana Mattocks,
Creator of “StemPunk Frankenstein Mod”
Just more proof that in the world of liquid cooling no one does it better than Fluid XP+